He won the orange league, but i dont think that should count :3
As far as I know, and correct me if im wrong, but these have been the league battles so far.
Barry has just lost to Paul, and Ash is going to beat conway in the next japanese episode (already know), and acording to the tittles Ash and Paul are to battle in the final around of the sinnoh league, so will ash win? I doubt it, his team just seems to have alot of problems, Paul is a jerk but he's a beast. He's got pokemon like magmorter, toterra, ursaring, electvire and much more. Ash has Gible, buizel, Muk, moctowl, quilava, pikachu, infernape, and some more but somthen dont feel right about his pokemon. There to babyish.
I would say we should start beten if he wins or looses haha but thats wrong
I hope he looses because im not a nice person towards Ash