IM TIRED OF FINDING THIS ABOMINATION...every time I open up a pack of cards. I usually 1 or 2, a week, somtimes less and each time i get a nosepass. Well 2/3 of the time.
Does anyone esle have this problem? I dont know if its the packs im buying or what. I get so mad to when I find it, i have so many i could make a deck out of them.
One time I opened a pack and got 3 of him. idk if its a manufacturing thing or what..
Most of the cards I have of him are about a year or two old, cuz most of them say 2009 at the bottom, Is there someone out there who would like all the cards i have of this pokemon? I think he's weird
I hated finding this pokemon in gen 3
its my most hated pokemon in the wwooorrrld and it intimidated me that gym 1, in ruby and sapphire had one of those....things. It's not even a pokemon its a thing.
Most of his cards are not that strong on the cards.
But my main question any of you guys fnd alot of nosepass cards?
Please tell me i hope im not the only one
end of rant, but answer my question >.<
shame on nintendo giving it an evolution
Last edited by Trito-Boy on Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:30 am; edited 1 time in total