I created this pokemon a few days ago, bored at school. It originally came from an assignment for my enviromental science class where we had to create a unique organism and make a nitch for it but the more i messed it the more it looked like a pokemon. I even created pokemon bio stuff for it ^^.No being rude about it please, i think its cute .
It was originally going to be fire/eletric or vise versa But I ditched that and went with steel/electric
Thanks jessie for helpen bring it to life ^^
so would you battle with this thing? lol I would! it would be my starter pokemon.
it does have an evolution, ill post that picture later.
It was originally going to be fire/eletric or vise versa But I ditched that and went with steel/electric
Thanks jessie for helpen bring it to life ^^
Two diffrent pictures. One colored, one not.The thing on his tail is the toaster and he has a bread shaped head.
Pokedex entry: It sneaks up on unsuspecting park visiters, and will steal bread from their baskets. Afterwards it cooks it with it's tail, then shoots it back when scared.
so would you battle with this thing? lol I would! it would be my starter pokemon.
it does have an evolution, ill post that picture later.
Last edited by Barry on Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:30 am; edited 5 times in total