1. Dream about you as someone else who may not even share any similarity as you in real life? (This can be even fantasy characters, since I did dream myself as a wizard in 17th century at one time, lol)
2. Dream the same dream over and over again? (I dunno if this is common, but for me it has happened a lot)
3. Dream the 'sequel' or 'prequel' of your previous dreams? (This may sound weird, but there are times when my new dreams are associated with old dreams I had before that I could actually make a movie series about them, lol)
2. Dream the same dream over and over again? (I dunno if this is common, but for me it has happened a lot)
3. Dream the 'sequel' or 'prequel' of your previous dreams? (This may sound weird, but there are times when my new dreams are associated with old dreams I had before that I could actually make a movie series about them, lol)