Evolution list
If looking for a specific Pokémon's evolution method, press Ctrl+F on your browser and enter the Pokémon's name to search for it on the page.
Evolutions are split into two main types: level-up evolution, which happens when a Pokémon has just gained a level and can be canceled if the player so desires by pressing B during the evolution, and player-induced evolution, which requires the player to specifically do something to the Pokémon to evolve it immediately, and those can not be canceled (at least it didn't work last time I attempted to do so, which was in G/S/C). If an evolution in the list has something in parentheses after it, that means that the method will only evolve the Pokémon if the condition in the parentheses is also met.
Level-Up Evolutions
Level 7
* Caterpie into Metapod
* Weedle into Kakuna
* Wurmple into Silcoon (Wurmple has low personality value)
* Wurmple into Cascoon (Wurmple has high personality value)
Level 10
* Metapod into Butterfree
* Kakuna into Beedrill
* Silcoon into Beautifly
* Cascoon into Dustox
* Kricketot into Kricketune
Level 14
* Cyndaquil into Quilava
* Lotad into Lombre
* Seedot into Nuzleaf
* Chimchar into Monferno
* Starly into Staravia
Level 15
* Sentret into Furret
* Mareep into Flaaffy
* Wynaut into Wobbuffet
* Bidoof into Bibarel
* Shinx into Luxio
Level 16
* Bulbasaur into Ivysaur
* Charmander into Charmeleon
* Squirtle into Wartortle
* Nidoran female into Nidorina
* Nidoran male into Nidorino
* Abra into Kadabra
* Chikorita into Bayleef
* Treecko into Grovyle
* Torchic into Combusken
* Mudkip into Marshtomp
* Piplup into Prinplup
Level 18
* Pidgey into Pidgeotto
* Totodile into Croconaw
* Ledyba into Ledian
* Marill into Azumarill
* Hoppip into Skiploom
* Poochyena into Mightyena
* Slakoth into Vigoroth
* Turtwig into Grotle
Level 20
* Rattata into Raticate
* Spearow into Fearow
* Magikarp into Gyarados
* Hoothoot into Noctowl
* Wooper into Quagsire
* Tyrogue into Hitmonlee (Tyrogue's Attack is higher than its Defense)
* Tyrogue into Hitmonchan (Tyrogue's Attack is lower than its Defense)
* Tyrogue into Hitmontop (Tyrogue's Attack is the same as its Defense)
* Zigzagoon into Linoone
* Ralts into Kirlia
* Nincada into Ninjask
* Nincada into Ninjask + Shedinja (empty slot on Pokéball belt, (4th gen) Poké Ball in bag)
* Whismur into Loudred
* Beldum into Metang
* Burmy into Wormadam (Burmy is female)
* Burmy into Mothim (Burmy is male)
Level 21
* Oddish into Gloom
* Bellsprout into Weepinbell
* Combee into Vespiquen (Combee is female)
Level 22
* Ekans into Arbok
* Sandshrew into Sandslash
* Zubat into Golbat
* Spinarak into Ariados
* Taillow into Swellow
* Surskit into Masquerain
Level 23
* Snubbull into Granbull
* Shroomish into Breloom
Level 24
* Paras into Parasect
* Houndour into Houndoom
* Makuhita into Hariyama
* Gible into Gabite
Level 25
* Poliwag into Poliwhirl
* Geodude into Graveler
* Gastly into Haunter
* Natu into Xatu
* Remoraid into Octillery
* Phanpy into Donphan
* Wingull into Pelipper
* Cherubi into Cherrim
Level 26
* Diglett into Dugtrio
* Drowzee into Hypno
* Electrike into Manectric
* Gulpin into Swalot
* Buizel into Floatzel
Level 27
* Chinchou into Lanturn
* Skiploom into Jumpluff
Level 28
* Meowth into Persian
* Mankey into Primeape
* Machop into Machoke
* Krabby into Kingler
* Cubone into Marowak
* Drifloon into Drifblim
Level 30
* Tentacool into Tentacruel
* Magnemite into Magneton
* Voltorb into Electrode
* Smoochum into Jynx
* Elekid into Electabuzz
* Magby into Magmar
* Dratini into Dragonair
* Croconaw into Feraligatr
* Flaaffy into Ampharos
* Teddiursa into Ursaring
* Larvitar into Pupitar
* Kirlia into Gardevoir
* Carvanha into Sharpedo
* Barboach into Whiscash
* Corphish into Crawdaunt
* Bagon into Shelgon
* Luxio into Luxray
* Cranidos into Rampardos
* Shieldon into Bastiodon
* Shellos into Gastrodon
Level 31
* Venonat into Venomoth
* Doduo into Dodrio
* Pineco into Forretress
* Finneon into Lumineon
Level 32
* Ivysaur into Venusaur
* Horsea into Seadra
* Bayleef into Meganium
* Aron into Lairon
* Spoink into Grumpig
* Cacnea into Cacturne
* Spheal into Sealeo
* Grotle into Torterra
Level 33
* Psyduck into Golduck
* Goldeen into Seaking
* Swinub into Piloswine
* Numel into Camerupt
* Bronzor into Bronzong
Level 34
* Seel into Dewgong
* Staravia into Staraptor
* Stunky into Skuntank
* Hippopotas into Hippowdon
Level 35
* Koffing into Weezing
* Trapinch into Vibrava
* Swablu into Altaria
Level 36
* Charmeleon into Charizard
* Wartortle into Blastoise
* Pidgeotto into Pidgeot
* Quilava into Typhlosion
* Grovyle into Sceptile
* Combusken into Blaziken
* Marshtomp into Swampert
* Vigoroth into Slaking
* Baltoy into Claydol
* Monferno into Infernape
* Prinplup into Empoleon
Level 37
* Slowpoke into Slowbro
* Meditite into Medicham
* Shuppet into Banette
* Duskull into Dusclops
* Croagunk into Toxicroak
Level 38
* Grimer into Muk
* Slugma into Magcargo
* Glameow into Purugly
Level 40
* Ponyta into Rapidash
* Omanyte into Omastar
* Kabuto into Kabutops
* Loudred into Exploud
* Wailmer into Wailord
* Lileep into Cradily
* Anorith into Armaldo
* Skorupi into Drapion
* Snover into Abomasnow
Level 42
* Rhyhorn into Rhydon
* Lairon into Aggron
* Snorunt into Glalie
Level 44
* Sealeo into Walrein
Level 45
* Vibrava into Flygon
* Metang into Metagross
Level 48
* Gabite into Garchomp
Level 50
* Shelgon into Salamence
Level 55
* Dragonair into Dragonite
* Pupitar into Tyranitar
Any Level-Up
* Golbat into Crobat (Golbat's happiness >= 220)
* Chansey into Blissey (Chansey's happiness >= 220)
* Pichu into Pikachu (Pichu's happiness >= 220)
* Cleffa into Clefairy (Cleffa's happiness >= 220)
* Igglybuff into Jigglypuff (Igglybuff's happiness >= 220)
* Togepi into Togetic (Togepi's happiness >= 220)
* Azurill into Marill (Azurill's happiness >= 220)
* Eevee into Espeon (Eevee's happiness >= 220, daytime)
* Eevee into Umbreon (Eevee's happiness >= 220, nighttime)
* Feebas into Milotic (Feebas's Beauty >= 220)
* Budew into Roselia (Budew's happiness >= 220, daytime)
* Aipom into Ambipom (Aipom knows Double Hit)
* Buneary into Lopunny (Buneary's happiness >= 220)
* Chingling into Chimecho (Chingling's happiness >= 220, nighttime)
* Bonsly into Sudowoodo (Bonsly knows Mimic)
* Mime Jr. into Mr. Mime (Mime Jr. knows Mimic)
* Happiny into Chansey (Happiny is holding Oval Stone, daytime)
* Munchlax into Snorlax (Munchlax's happiness >= 220)
* Riolu into Lucario (Riolu's happiness >= 220, daytime)
* Mantyke into Mantine (Remoraid in party)
* Sneasel into Weavile (Sneasel is holding Razor Claw, nighttime)
* Magneton into Magnezone (player is at Mt. Coronet)
* Lickitung into Lickilicky (Lickitung knows Rollout)
* Tangela into Tangrowth (Tangela knows Ancientpower)
* Yanma into Yanmega (Yanma knows Ancientpower)
* Eevee into Leafeon (player is at Moss Rock in Eterna Forest)
* Eevee into Glaceon (player is at Ice Rock on Route 217)
* Gligar into Gliscor (Gligar is holding Razor Fang, nighttime)
* Piloswine into Mamoswine (Piloswine knows Ancientpower)
* Nosepass into Probopass (player is at Mt. Coronet)
Player-Induced Evolutions
Use Moon Stone
* Nidorina into Nidoqueen
* Nidorino into Nidoking
* Clefairy into Clefable
* Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff
* Skitty into Delcatty
Use Sun Stone
* Gloom into Bellossom
* Sunkern into Sunflora
Use Fire Stone
* Vulpix into Ninetales
* Growlithe into Arcanine
* Eevee into Flareon
Use Water Stone
* Poliwhirl into Poliwrath
* Shellder into Cloyster
* Staryu into Starmie
* Eevee into Vaporeon
* Lombre into Ludicolo
Use Thunderstone
* Pikachu into Raichu
* Eevee into Jolteon
Use Leaf Stone
* Gloom into Vileplume
* Weepinbell into Victreebel
* Exeggcute into Exeggutor
* Nuzleaf into Shiftry
Use Shiny Stone
* Roselia into Roserade
* Togetic into Togekiss
Use Dusk Stone
* Misdreavus into Mismagius
* Murkrow into Honchkrow
Use Dawn Stone
* Kirlia into Gallade (Kirlia is male)
* Snorunt into Froslass (Snorunt is female)
Trade to Another Game
* Kadabra into Alakazam
* Machoke into Machamp
* Graveler into Golem
* Haunter into Gengar
* Poliwhirl into Politoed (Poliwhirl is holding King's Rock)
* Slowpoke into Slowking (Slowpoke is holding King's Rock)
* Seadra into Kingdra (Seadra is holding Dragon Scale)
* Onix into Steelix (Onix is holding Metal Coat)
* Scyther into Scizor (Scyther is holding Metal Coat)
* Porygon into Porygon2 (Porygon is holding Up-Grade)
* Clamperl into Huntail (Clamperl is holding Deepseatooth)
* Clamperl into Gorebyss (Clamperl is holding Deepseascale)
* Rhydon into Rhyperior (Rhydon is holding Protector)
* Electabuzz into Electivire (Electabuzz is holding Electrizer)
* Magmar into Magmortar (Magmar is holding Magmarizer)
* Porygon2 into Porygon-Z (Porygon2 is holding Dubious Disc)
* Dusclops into Dusknoir (Dusclops is holding Reaper Cloth)
copied from the cave of dragonflies, credit to TCOD
If looking for a specific Pokémon's evolution method, press Ctrl+F on your browser and enter the Pokémon's name to search for it on the page.
Evolutions are split into two main types: level-up evolution, which happens when a Pokémon has just gained a level and can be canceled if the player so desires by pressing B during the evolution, and player-induced evolution, which requires the player to specifically do something to the Pokémon to evolve it immediately, and those can not be canceled (at least it didn't work last time I attempted to do so, which was in G/S/C). If an evolution in the list has something in parentheses after it, that means that the method will only evolve the Pokémon if the condition in the parentheses is also met.
Level-Up Evolutions
Level 7
* Caterpie into Metapod
* Weedle into Kakuna
* Wurmple into Silcoon (Wurmple has low personality value)
* Wurmple into Cascoon (Wurmple has high personality value)
Level 10
* Metapod into Butterfree
* Kakuna into Beedrill
* Silcoon into Beautifly
* Cascoon into Dustox
* Kricketot into Kricketune
Level 14
* Cyndaquil into Quilava
* Lotad into Lombre
* Seedot into Nuzleaf
* Chimchar into Monferno
* Starly into Staravia
Level 15
* Sentret into Furret
* Mareep into Flaaffy
* Wynaut into Wobbuffet
* Bidoof into Bibarel
* Shinx into Luxio
Level 16
* Bulbasaur into Ivysaur
* Charmander into Charmeleon
* Squirtle into Wartortle
* Nidoran female into Nidorina
* Nidoran male into Nidorino
* Abra into Kadabra
* Chikorita into Bayleef
* Treecko into Grovyle
* Torchic into Combusken
* Mudkip into Marshtomp
* Piplup into Prinplup
Level 18
* Pidgey into Pidgeotto
* Totodile into Croconaw
* Ledyba into Ledian
* Marill into Azumarill
* Hoppip into Skiploom
* Poochyena into Mightyena
* Slakoth into Vigoroth
* Turtwig into Grotle
Level 20
* Rattata into Raticate
* Spearow into Fearow
* Magikarp into Gyarados
* Hoothoot into Noctowl
* Wooper into Quagsire
* Tyrogue into Hitmonlee (Tyrogue's Attack is higher than its Defense)
* Tyrogue into Hitmonchan (Tyrogue's Attack is lower than its Defense)
* Tyrogue into Hitmontop (Tyrogue's Attack is the same as its Defense)
* Zigzagoon into Linoone
* Ralts into Kirlia
* Nincada into Ninjask
* Nincada into Ninjask + Shedinja (empty slot on Pokéball belt, (4th gen) Poké Ball in bag)
* Whismur into Loudred
* Beldum into Metang
* Burmy into Wormadam (Burmy is female)
* Burmy into Mothim (Burmy is male)
Level 21
* Oddish into Gloom
* Bellsprout into Weepinbell
* Combee into Vespiquen (Combee is female)
Level 22
* Ekans into Arbok
* Sandshrew into Sandslash
* Zubat into Golbat
* Spinarak into Ariados
* Taillow into Swellow
* Surskit into Masquerain
Level 23
* Snubbull into Granbull
* Shroomish into Breloom
Level 24
* Paras into Parasect
* Houndour into Houndoom
* Makuhita into Hariyama
* Gible into Gabite
Level 25
* Poliwag into Poliwhirl
* Geodude into Graveler
* Gastly into Haunter
* Natu into Xatu
* Remoraid into Octillery
* Phanpy into Donphan
* Wingull into Pelipper
* Cherubi into Cherrim
Level 26
* Diglett into Dugtrio
* Drowzee into Hypno
* Electrike into Manectric
* Gulpin into Swalot
* Buizel into Floatzel
Level 27
* Chinchou into Lanturn
* Skiploom into Jumpluff
Level 28
* Meowth into Persian
* Mankey into Primeape
* Machop into Machoke
* Krabby into Kingler
* Cubone into Marowak
* Drifloon into Drifblim
Level 30
* Tentacool into Tentacruel
* Magnemite into Magneton
* Voltorb into Electrode
* Smoochum into Jynx
* Elekid into Electabuzz
* Magby into Magmar
* Dratini into Dragonair
* Croconaw into Feraligatr
* Flaaffy into Ampharos
* Teddiursa into Ursaring
* Larvitar into Pupitar
* Kirlia into Gardevoir
* Carvanha into Sharpedo
* Barboach into Whiscash
* Corphish into Crawdaunt
* Bagon into Shelgon
* Luxio into Luxray
* Cranidos into Rampardos
* Shieldon into Bastiodon
* Shellos into Gastrodon
Level 31
* Venonat into Venomoth
* Doduo into Dodrio
* Pineco into Forretress
* Finneon into Lumineon
Level 32
* Ivysaur into Venusaur
* Horsea into Seadra
* Bayleef into Meganium
* Aron into Lairon
* Spoink into Grumpig
* Cacnea into Cacturne
* Spheal into Sealeo
* Grotle into Torterra
Level 33
* Psyduck into Golduck
* Goldeen into Seaking
* Swinub into Piloswine
* Numel into Camerupt
* Bronzor into Bronzong
Level 34
* Seel into Dewgong
* Staravia into Staraptor
* Stunky into Skuntank
* Hippopotas into Hippowdon
Level 35
* Koffing into Weezing
* Trapinch into Vibrava
* Swablu into Altaria
Level 36
* Charmeleon into Charizard
* Wartortle into Blastoise
* Pidgeotto into Pidgeot
* Quilava into Typhlosion
* Grovyle into Sceptile
* Combusken into Blaziken
* Marshtomp into Swampert
* Vigoroth into Slaking
* Baltoy into Claydol
* Monferno into Infernape
* Prinplup into Empoleon
Level 37
* Slowpoke into Slowbro
* Meditite into Medicham
* Shuppet into Banette
* Duskull into Dusclops
* Croagunk into Toxicroak
Level 38
* Grimer into Muk
* Slugma into Magcargo
* Glameow into Purugly
Level 40
* Ponyta into Rapidash
* Omanyte into Omastar
* Kabuto into Kabutops
* Loudred into Exploud
* Wailmer into Wailord
* Lileep into Cradily
* Anorith into Armaldo
* Skorupi into Drapion
* Snover into Abomasnow
Level 42
* Rhyhorn into Rhydon
* Lairon into Aggron
* Snorunt into Glalie
Level 44
* Sealeo into Walrein
Level 45
* Vibrava into Flygon
* Metang into Metagross
Level 48
* Gabite into Garchomp
Level 50
* Shelgon into Salamence
Level 55
* Dragonair into Dragonite
* Pupitar into Tyranitar
Any Level-Up
* Golbat into Crobat (Golbat's happiness >= 220)
* Chansey into Blissey (Chansey's happiness >= 220)
* Pichu into Pikachu (Pichu's happiness >= 220)
* Cleffa into Clefairy (Cleffa's happiness >= 220)
* Igglybuff into Jigglypuff (Igglybuff's happiness >= 220)
* Togepi into Togetic (Togepi's happiness >= 220)
* Azurill into Marill (Azurill's happiness >= 220)
* Eevee into Espeon (Eevee's happiness >= 220, daytime)
* Eevee into Umbreon (Eevee's happiness >= 220, nighttime)
* Feebas into Milotic (Feebas's Beauty >= 220)
* Budew into Roselia (Budew's happiness >= 220, daytime)
* Aipom into Ambipom (Aipom knows Double Hit)
* Buneary into Lopunny (Buneary's happiness >= 220)
* Chingling into Chimecho (Chingling's happiness >= 220, nighttime)
* Bonsly into Sudowoodo (Bonsly knows Mimic)
* Mime Jr. into Mr. Mime (Mime Jr. knows Mimic)
* Happiny into Chansey (Happiny is holding Oval Stone, daytime)
* Munchlax into Snorlax (Munchlax's happiness >= 220)
* Riolu into Lucario (Riolu's happiness >= 220, daytime)
* Mantyke into Mantine (Remoraid in party)
* Sneasel into Weavile (Sneasel is holding Razor Claw, nighttime)
* Magneton into Magnezone (player is at Mt. Coronet)
* Lickitung into Lickilicky (Lickitung knows Rollout)
* Tangela into Tangrowth (Tangela knows Ancientpower)
* Yanma into Yanmega (Yanma knows Ancientpower)
* Eevee into Leafeon (player is at Moss Rock in Eterna Forest)
* Eevee into Glaceon (player is at Ice Rock on Route 217)
* Gligar into Gliscor (Gligar is holding Razor Fang, nighttime)
* Piloswine into Mamoswine (Piloswine knows Ancientpower)
* Nosepass into Probopass (player is at Mt. Coronet)
Player-Induced Evolutions
Use Moon Stone
* Nidorina into Nidoqueen
* Nidorino into Nidoking
* Clefairy into Clefable
* Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff
* Skitty into Delcatty
Use Sun Stone
* Gloom into Bellossom
* Sunkern into Sunflora
Use Fire Stone
* Vulpix into Ninetales
* Growlithe into Arcanine
* Eevee into Flareon
Use Water Stone
* Poliwhirl into Poliwrath
* Shellder into Cloyster
* Staryu into Starmie
* Eevee into Vaporeon
* Lombre into Ludicolo
Use Thunderstone
* Pikachu into Raichu
* Eevee into Jolteon
Use Leaf Stone
* Gloom into Vileplume
* Weepinbell into Victreebel
* Exeggcute into Exeggutor
* Nuzleaf into Shiftry
Use Shiny Stone
* Roselia into Roserade
* Togetic into Togekiss
Use Dusk Stone
* Misdreavus into Mismagius
* Murkrow into Honchkrow
Use Dawn Stone
* Kirlia into Gallade (Kirlia is male)
* Snorunt into Froslass (Snorunt is female)
Trade to Another Game
* Kadabra into Alakazam
* Machoke into Machamp
* Graveler into Golem
* Haunter into Gengar
* Poliwhirl into Politoed (Poliwhirl is holding King's Rock)
* Slowpoke into Slowking (Slowpoke is holding King's Rock)
* Seadra into Kingdra (Seadra is holding Dragon Scale)
* Onix into Steelix (Onix is holding Metal Coat)
* Scyther into Scizor (Scyther is holding Metal Coat)
* Porygon into Porygon2 (Porygon is holding Up-Grade)
* Clamperl into Huntail (Clamperl is holding Deepseatooth)
* Clamperl into Gorebyss (Clamperl is holding Deepseascale)
* Rhydon into Rhyperior (Rhydon is holding Protector)
* Electabuzz into Electivire (Electabuzz is holding Electrizer)
* Magmar into Magmortar (Magmar is holding Magmarizer)
* Porygon2 into Porygon-Z (Porygon2 is holding Dubious Disc)
* Dusclops into Dusknoir (Dusclops is holding Reaper Cloth)
copied from the cave of dragonflies, credit to TCOD